On that screen, locate your macro, select/highlight it, then click Add. Click Button and the Word Options/Customize Quick Access Toolbar screen opens. Step 2: Add a macro button to the Quick Access ToolbarĪ. Put the cursor after the text on the page that should be the last page without a page number, for example, the table of contents.

Even though you can overwrite many of these shortcuts, it’s much easier to attach your macro to a button. Note: Most of the shortcut keys are already used by the system. Next, in the Assign Macro To panel, click Button or Keyboard (shortcut) for the method used to access and run the macro. For the Store Macro In field, choose All Documents to run this macro in all of your Word documents, or select the current document (displayed by filename) to use this macro in the current document only. A drop-down menu shows several different options for where you’d like the page numbers to appeartop of the page, bottom of the page, and so on. Descriptions are just notes that summarize the macro’s function.Ĭ. To add page numbers to your Word document, switch over to the Insert tab on the Ribbon and then click the Page Number button in the Header & Footer section.Macro names cannot conflict with the program’s reserved commands or keywords such as Print, Save, Copy, Paste.The previous options are just shortcuts to removing page numbers. Option 3: Using the Remove Page Numbers Command. At any point in time, you can again insert the page numbers back into your pages. Macro names can be 80 characters maximum After removing the Footers or Headers in your document, Word will delete the page numbers as well.You cannot use spaces, non-alphanumeric characters, or periods.